Sorrow and fear are two mortals which are interconnected. These two have spread all over the world. If you think you are sorry for something that means you are sad. We have to face these things virtually. We cant escape from them. But we must remember something that not to give any chance for sadness and fear to override us and control us. We must defeat them. If we use our strength in a proper patience and will we will be able to do so. By identifying emotions and using our intelligence in a safe and accurate manner we can overcome these mortals.
We are the cause for our sorrow. This sadness and sorrow are born from our selfish and arrogant emotions, and wrong conclusions about different things and people. Selfishness or “myself” is a wrong imagination of our untamed mind and this will increase the way to the end of sorrow and sadness. Everything in the world is temporary. So we have to chase away emotions like “me” and cultivate “humanity” and “service”. This is the way to attain happiness in our life.
Most of the people have greediness, fear, and disappointments. But they haven’t learned to control them and they don't even like to accept having them. These unfair emotions have a power. That as you try to hide these things inside the more it will appears. This may cause many hidden diseases in the physical body. These things can be diminished by a well tamed mind or a correct meditation.
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