Many of the people think that they can solve all the problems having money, but they don’t realize that money itself is a trouble maker. Money cant solve all the problems.
Lot of people bother about gathering various things and instruments in misunderstanding. But they later realize that they cant gain happiness from them. Then they trend to gather more and more things to attain happiness. Virtually when you are getting more things the desire of getting things is also increases. They don’t satisfy from anything. Therefore doesn’t acquire happiness.
“ don’t tell that this is yours (mine),
Simply think that it has approached me,
So we don't want to regret when the shine goes away from the shiny.”
Wealth is not a thing we must gather greedily, but it is a thing which can be consumed for the good of you and others. If you waste your time finding wealth other than to fulfill duties , your country, nation and religion you will have to go away from this world with burdens. And you wont be able to enjoy the fruit of your hardly earned wealth.
The desire to be rich through gambling is like a thought of trying to cover from sunlight with the help of clouds. The desire for earn wealth through immense sacrifice and cleverness is as building a house to protect from sunlight and rain.
After your death your wealth will no further with you. Your friends, relatives will follow you only to the cemetery. But after that the good or bad things you did when you lived will follow you.
We become sad even after getting things which we thought would be happy if gained. We think getting a large wealth is good. But think for a moment after you get so much wealth your friends will appreciate only your wealth not you. This is a kind of mental pain. And there is a fear that we would loose all the things we got. If you think for a while about happiness you will realize that it is only a mist only in our mind which can’t be attained in anyway.
Your wealth can only decorate your house not you. You can be decorated only through your good deeds. Your clothes can only dress your body not you. But your good behavior will dress you.
The way we use to gain happiness mustn’t bring trouble to others. The happiness we gain by troubling any living being is not the real happiness.
“happiness is like a perfume, it is for you not for others.”
Though you cant change the world according to your desire you can change your mind in the way to gain happiness.