Being a slave of physical luxury the modern man doesn’t listen to the voice of nature. He has filled his mind with the happiness of the future life that, he has forgotten to think about his physical needs , and the importance of the present. The reason is the wrong attitudes we have about our life and goals. And this is the reason for all fear, regrets, and unsafety. If someone truly loves his independence must not disturb others as well. Disturbing others and cheating them for own pleasure is a wrong method of seeking happiness.

If a man act against the low of nature cruelly and badly he is spoiling the environment by his deeds, words, and thoughts. As a result of that nature doesn’t produce things which are important for a good life. Diseases and all the other effects are caused to men as a result of this.

On the other hand, if the man lives his life according to the low of nature , it will be the foundation for a good life. He purify the environment with his good deeds. If human develop loving-kindness in his mind, he can change the environment to a loving and happy place.

You maybe a busy person, but don't forget to leave just few minutes to a brief meditation, and reading valuable books. This habit will not only give you a big release but a strength to forget your burdens and a development in mind.

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